Planet Cheats

Cheat codes beginning with 'P' (page 1)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 791 cheats

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1. P-47 (PC)
2. P-47 (PC - Windows)
3. P.N. 03 (GameCube)
4. P.N.03 (GameCube)
5. P.O.D. - Still Payin' Dues (DVD Extras)
6. P.O.W. (NES)
7. P.P. Hammer (Amiga)
8. Pac-Attack (Super NES)
9. Pac-Attack (Super NES)
10. Pac-in-Time (Super NES)
11. Pac-In-Time (Game Boy)
12. Pac-in-Time (Super NES)
13. Pac-Land (Lynx)
14. Pac-Land (PC - Windows)
15. Pac-Land (TurboGrafx 16)
16. Pac-Man (Game Boy)
17. Pac-Man (Game Boy Color)
18. Pac-Man (Atari 2600)
19. Pac-Man (Atari 5200)
20. Pac-Man (Game Boy)
21. Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures (Super NES)
22. Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures (Genesis)
23. Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures (Super NES)
24. Pac-Man Collection (Game Boy Advance)
25. Pac-Man Collection (Game Boy Advance)
26. Pac-Man Fever (Playstation 2)
27. Pac-Man Fever (GameCube)
28. Pac-Man World (Playstation)
29. Pac-Man World 2 (Playstation 2)
30. Pac-Man World 2 (Xbox)
31. Pac-Man World 2 (GameCube)
32. Pac-Man World 2 (GameCube)
33. Pac-Man World 2 (Ps2 Cheats)
34. Pac-Man World 3 (PSP)
35. Pac-Man World 3 (GameCube)
36. Pac-Man World 3 (Xbox)
37. Pac-Man World Rally (PSP)
38. Pac-Man World Rally (GameCube)
39. Pac-Man World Rally (Ps2 Cheats)
40. Pac-Man World Rally (Sony PSP)
41. Pac-Man: Adventures in Time (PC - Windows)
42. Pac-Mania (NES)
43. Pac-Pix (Nintendo DS)
44. Pacific Air Warrior (PC)
45. Pacific Air Warrior (PC - Windows)
46. Pacific General (PC - Windows)
47. Pacific Gunner (PC)
48. Pacific Strike (PC - Windows)
49. PacMan: Adventure in Time (PC)
50. Pacn Roll (Nintendo DS)

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