Planet Cheats

Cheat codes for Battle Frenzy

 Platform: Sega CD User rating: 4.8 Page visits: 2342 
Battle Frenzy Assorted Codes
Here's a selection of codes that will drive you into a frenzy. To use them, pause the game and enter the desired code.
Red KeyDown, Down, B, C, Up, Up
Yellow KeyUp, Up, B, C, Down, Down
Full OxygenC, C, B, A, Down, Down
Full AmmoB, B, B, Right, Down, Left
Level SkipUp, A, Up, A, A, Down
CannonLeft, B, C, Down, Down, Right
GrenadeUp, Down, Up, Right, B, C
Lock OnA, A, Left, Right, Left, Right
PiercerUp, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right
RapidC, Up, Up, Right, Right, A
RicochetLeft, Right, C, A, B, Right
SprayUp, B, Up, A, B, B
TriboltA, A, A, Right, A, Right

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