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Cheat codes for Battle Frenzy
Platform: Sega CD |
User rating: 4.8 |
Page visits: 2342 |
Battle Frenzy Assorted Codes
Here's a selection of codes that will drive you into a frenzy. To use them, pause the game and enter the desired code.
Description | Code |
Red Key | Down, Down, B, C, Up, Up | Yellow Key | Up, Up, B, C, Down, Down | Full Oxygen | C, C, B, A, Down, Down | Full Ammo | B, B, B, Right, Down, Left | Level Skip | Up, A, Up, A, A, Down | Cannon | Left, B, C, Down, Down, Right | Grenade | Up, Down, Up, Right, B, C | Lock On | A, A, Left, Right, Left, Right | Piercer | Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right | Rapid | C, Up, Up, Right, Right, A | Ricochet | Left, Right, C, A, B, Right | Spray | Up, B, Up, A, B, B | Tribolt | A, A, A, Right, A, Right |