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Cheat codes for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Platform: Nintendo Wii |
User rating: 9.9 |
Page visits: 7676 |
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Unlockable: Big Wallet
You must give Agatha 1 Golden Bug.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Bomb Bags
Bomb Bag 1: You buy some bombs at Barnes Bomb Shop in Kakariko. Barnes will sell you this Bomb Bag. That's easy -- drkay easy.
Bomb Bag 2: When you thaw out Zora's Domain (complete the second dungeon), go underwater and set a Water Bomb at the large rock in the center of the cave. A Goron inside will give you this Bomb Bag.
Bomb Bag 3: Talk to the woman outside of the Boat-Rental Shack and she will ask you to blow up rocks inside of the cave under her Unabomber-style shack. She will give you this Bomb Bag when you make it outside the other end of the shack-cave tunnel.
Giant Bomb Bag: After completing the task for the woman at the Boat-Rental Shack, go back and talk to her to play a game. Earn at least 25 points at the end of the mini-game and if you succeed, she will give you the Giant Bomb Bag.
Submitted by Flash Phoenix777 (lindany1)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Arrow Quivers
In Castle Town, there is a large tent in the eastern part. Go inside and the ringmaster will ask you to play a star chasing game. Use the clawshot (hookshot) and collect all of the orbs in the cage within the time limit. Doing this challenge once gives you one upgrade.
The ringmaster will then have a second challenge. If you win this challenge within the time limit, the man will give you the Giant Quiver to hold up to 100 arrows.
Submitted by Flash Phoenix777 (lindanye)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Unlockable: Big Quiver
To get 60 Arrows. You must beat "STAR" game level. The Clawshot is required.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Bird Killer
If you want to make some easy money while travelling Hyrule field, take down the flocks of birds. The Gale Boomerang and Z-Targeting lets you drag them close to be killed by a sword strike.
Clearing the flock will cause a reward of about 50 rupee to drop from the sky.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint: Quick Money in Kakariko Graveyard
Strapped for cash? Grab your lantern and head on over to Kakariko Graveyard. There you will see two unlit torches. Take out that Lantern (it needs to have some oil left in it) and light the torches. A chest will appear with 50 rupees. Still not enough? Then push both of the pushable gravestones. One will have a yellow rupee piece, which accounts for 10 rupees. Enjoy!
Submitted by Un-L337
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Sacred Grove Statue Puzzle Solution
Solution to the Sacred Grove Statue Puzzle after completing the third temple:
- UP
- UP
- UP
- UP
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Cave of Ordeal and Fairy Spring Upgrade
After locating the Gerudo Mesa and Cave of Ordeals in the Gerudo desert, you are able to unlock fairies and later Great Fairies at each spring around Hyrule.
While smaller fairies can be bottled, restore 8 hearts when used, or when you run out of hearts, the Great Fairies will give you a bottle full of "Great Fairy Tears". These heal your hearts completely and temporarily boosts your attack. However, you can only hold one bottle of this liquid at any time.
Complete 10 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals for Fairies in the Ordon Spring.
Complete 20 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals for Fairies in the Faron Spring
Complete 30 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals for Fairies in the Eldin Spring
Complete 40 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals for Fairies in the Lanayru Spring
Complete 50 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals for Great Fairies in all springs
Submitted by kjmichigan (dice2six)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Unlock Special Edition Rollgoal
If you visit the Fishing Hole in Upper Zora's River, there's a mini game Hena will let you play for 5 Rupees called Rollgoal. If you make it past 1-8, you'll be rewarded with the Frog Lure.
However, if you keep going and beat the entire thing, up to and including 8-8, you'll be able to play the special-edition version of Rollgoal.
You can choose any level, the cost is free, the time limit is raised to 4:00:00, and you cannot win any Rupees. Also, as an added bonus, once you beat 8-8, Hena will fill your wallet completely!
Submitted by kjmichigan (dice2six)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Frog Lure
To unlock the Frog Fishing Lure for the Fishing Hole, you must beat all eight levels of Roal Goal, a game found in the owner's establishment. To play it, simply look at it in first person using the C button.
The game requires 5 rupees a play and you win 10 rupees for each round, and the frog lure for the eighth. (If you run short before you manage to get the lure, mowing the tall grass just outside (still in the fishing hole area) offers around 60 rupees.)
Submitted by Flash Phoenix777 (lindanye1)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Sinker Lure
To obtain the Sinker Lure you must first catch a Hylain Pike, Hyrule Bass, and a Ordon Catfish in the fishing hole with the lure rod. After you have caught one of each fish, go to the south east corner of the lake (near the house) and take out your Fishing Rod. You can catch the Sinker Lure. Make sure Hena doesn't see you use it or she will take it away.
Submitted by kjmichigan (dice2six)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - 3rd Dungeon Skip
In the third dungeon (the lakebed temple) you can skip a large section. Once you have the clawshot go to the room with the rotating staircase, the water should be flowing on one side normally you would then go to the other side and get that water flowing but instead use the clawshot and go up on the chandelier. Once there slowly drop youself off the lide so that you are hanging by your hands from it, then let go. You will have landed on the center pillar and will be able to go on to the boss through the door.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Doing the Oocoo Time Warp Again
If you would like to save your game at a specific point in a dungeon, use Oocoo to teleport outside, then save. When you restart, you teleport inside the dungeon to the point where you exited rather than being forced to start at the beginning.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Enutrof Rellet
If you need a clue, read what the fortuneteller writes backwards.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Spring Water
After donating 1000 ruppees to Malo mart to repair the bridge talk to the Goron elder outside. He'll then ask you to deliver some hot spring water to the goron waiting next to the newly repaired bridge. To avoid the barrel of water getting hit walk round next to the cliffside on your right. You may need to take out one or two moblins this way so just pick them off with your bow and make sure you're quick.
After smashing the barrel over the goron's head he'll give you a piece of heart and he'll open up a hot spring water shop in castle town use this water to quench the goron at the south entrance and he'll unblock the boulders on that route.
Submitted by Tony Califano, Jacob Roberts
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - 200 Rupee Stash
In Kakariko, there's a 200 rupee stash on top of the Sanctuary (in the bell). Take a cucco (chicken) and head up the dirt ramp at the south end of the town. Glide and climb your side of the town until you arrive at the hot spring.
Glide across the street to the bomb shop's roof and climb the ramps to the base of the watchtower (a Goron will be on watch at the bottom, the kid on the top).
From the Goron spotter's area, glide to the scaffolding embedded in the cliffside near the Sanctuary. Glide to the wrecked roof of the Sanctuary and use a bomb-arrow to down the glint inside the church bell.
Like most rupee chests, this is a non-regenerative reward.
Submitted by Jill2Shay
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Balloon Popping
At Lake Hylia, you can play a fruit balloon popping game as a wolf (speak to the bird near the lake cannon) for a heart piece.
Simply go for the 10K high score by popping only strawberry balloons and ignoring the other larger balloons in the way. You should be able to scrape by the 10K mark right before the end of the course.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Rare Chu Location!
On the path from Kakariko Village to Death Mountain, there's a little cave in the wall with vines hanging from it that can be grabbed with the clawshot. Use the clawshot to pull yourself up, and inside is a rare chu. If you are quick to kill it before it merges with the more common purple chu, you can get yourself some rare chu jelly which behave like Great Fairy Tears (the stuff the topless fairy gives Link that restores all life and enhances attack for a short while).
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Hidden Moves and Commands (a.k.a., the Don_Chan)
There're some hidden moves not covered in the manual or the game tutorials.
1. you can execute a rolling stab by rolling, then quickly slashing with your sword. This move knocks enemies back and allows you to finsh them quickly with the ending blow.
2. To quickly dismount hold Z then press A. you flip off the back of your horse and quickly dismount. This is great when you need to quickly take care of enemys on the ground.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Peas On You
Bottled water can be poured on growing fruits/vegetables to make them increase in size.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint: Become the Chicken
In a depature from past Zelda games, slashing repeatedly at chickens will not lead to a mad chicken attack. Instead, the player gains control of the chicken for a limited time.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint: Bomb Shop
Go to the Bomb Shop in Kakariko. While inside, light your lantern to receive a warning from the shop keeper. Do it again for a little surprise.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Easter Egg - Cuccoo Polymorph
Instead of attacking Link for striking cuccoo (chickens) too many times, you are temporarily polymorphed into one for continued cuccoo harassment.
magic armour
go to the malo mart later on in the game and give the goron in the shop 1000 rupees for the bridge and then give them 2000 rupees and malo mart will be in castle town and you can get the magic armour for 598 ruppes
big big wallets ,qwivers and magic armour
go to agither and give her your first bug and them give her the rest that you wanted and she will give a wallet that will hold 1000 rupes . for the qwifers you must complete the star game twice to get a qwifer that holds 100 arows. and for the armour you hafe to pay for the bridge and they pay 2000 rupees or you can pay 200 rupees if you compelte the task for the goron out side the shop and then go to castle town and buy the magic armour for 598 rupees
submited by jacob knight(mushroom kid )
Warp away
when you are at telmas bar after finishing the 3rd temple (lakebed temple) the resistance who are trying to restore balance in the world will tell you aras is studing the dessert at lake hilya. when done talking to them go outside the castle door and go where no one can see you, then warp into a wolf and warp to the lakebed temple instead of runnig all the way
get 200 rupees quick
Go into wolf form near Ronaldo's house.(Preist in Kakario)Jump onto his house with the help of Midna.Shoot the bell with a bomb arrow to get a silver rupee worth 200.
orange rupee:100 gold
Go to Collins house. Behind it is an orange rupee. You have to target it with our boomerang to get it.
glitch: walk on water
Go to the fishing hole. Then, swim to the far end of it. Once there you should be standing about waste deep in the water. It will look like your walking on it (in it I should say). You cant swim down, though.
The power of love
When you enter castle town from the main entrance, there will be a bum asking for money. Give him 1000 rupees to get a heart piece.
Easy rupees
If you roll into a tree then sometimes rupees fall from it. the trees in ordon and faaron are good for this.
How to get to Snowpeak, Temple of Time and City in the Sky
1st piece:snowpeak
Go to kakariko village in graveyard and move stone. Climb through tunnel to secret place. Talk to prince ralis and he will give you coral earing to put on your fishing rod. Go to Zora's domain and find a big rock and slightly smaller rock near the golden bug (these are the mother and child rocks). Fish there and (if you're patient) you'll get a reekfish. Quickly change into a wolf and smell the scent it has given off. You now have the reekfish scent. Follow it up the tunnel to snowpeak and up to Yeti's house.
Temple of time
Go to Trill's shop in Faron woods and you'll find Rusl there. Talk to him and he will give you a cucoo. Use it to get to sacred grove. Defeat annoying puppet guy and you will get to the temple of Time.
City in the Sky
When you have the dominion rod from the temple of time go to kakariko ad find shad. Show him ancient sky book and he will read out the spell to put power into your dominion rod. He then shows you location of the statues. Move them all to find the sky letters and then tell him. he will unlock the last statue and you can move it. inside you will find a sky cannon which you should wap to lake Hylia. Ask Fado to repair it and then clawshot into it. You will be fired up into the city in the sky.
if your at the 3rd dungoen (lakebed temple)to blow up that boulder in the cave entrance you have to use 2 bombs one to make the bubles under the entrance and then set anouther one it will float up and blow the boulder up.
submited by:the worlds greatest
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hint - Malo Mart and Magic Armor Quest
To reduce the amount of money required to open the Malo-Mart in castle town and be able to purchase the magic amor. Donate 1000 rupees to repair the bridge to the west gate to castle town to the goron inside the Malo-Mart in Kakariko Village.
Then talk to the old goron outside the Malo-Mart. He will send you on a quest to deliver some hot spring water to the goron sitting beside the bridge outside the west gate to castle town. To easily complete this quest. Simply walk along the edge of the cliff until you reach the brige. Then smash the barrel of hot spring water on the sitting gorons head.
After you have done this go back to Kakariko Village and talk to the goron collecting donations inside the Malo-Mart. He will have lowered the required amount to 200. After donating 200 rupees a Malo Mart will open in Castle Town and the magic armor will be available to buy.
if you are stuck at the lake then you go to the man who looks like a clown giv him money and he will shoot you out of there then go to the door dont do the chicken thing otherwise you will do it all over again.submitted by cameron kirwan
ancient woods
how to get to the ancient woods
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess: How to go into boss' room in Faron Woods?
How do you get into one of the three rooms in Faron Woods? One of them has a cobweb and i don't know what to go to one of the 3 doors because there's no ladders.
hey wats up
temple of the woods
Hack Attack
Hack the Planet!!!
you have to burn the cobweb with your lantan
the reek fish
How do i get the matching statue to the entrance to make them both there in the time temple
How do I get past the wagon and the little guys on "hogs" I know how to get the wagon th stop burning.. how do i continue the see the witch doctor?
you can sniff
Fused Shadow?
how do you obtain the 2nd fused shadow?
giant puzzle
i have done the what you have said doing the left down.etc but it did not work help
how do you get the claw shot
cameron kirwan
im the best your not hahahaahah you all smell y wont u help!!!
how do u get the clawshot
how do u get the claw shot
cave of ordeals free hearts and rupees.
when doing the cave of ordeals, in rooms: 3 7 18 22 27 34 and 44 there are random amounts of hearts that you can dig up as a wolf with senses on and in rooms 14 and 39 there are large amounts of rupees that you can dig up.
aaron is ginger
how do u
hw do u get the clawshot please somone tell me im killing myself too know
How to shit
Go to Zoras Domain and talk to all of the Zoras there. Then sink to the bottom and go near the edge wear the prince sits then you will see black stuff come out, that i declare shit
how u get claaw shot
Quick money
At Lake Hylia, speak to dude and go to chicken thing, tale a right on the platform, get the money, and when you are near the platforms push DOWN on the numchuck and land on the spinning platform. Inside is 100 rupees. Unlike other chests, this is RE-USABLE!!!!!
to get the clawshot
to get the claw shot go through the door that has no lock or spining wheel when you get to the room there will be some vent with water coming out look up and there should be a round thing fire a boom arrow at it it will stop the flow to the same to the ofer one and on the overside theres a chest it should have a small key youse it on the lock door walk though it and the will be a water dip swim throuh and you will find a big frog fight it to get the glawshot :)
Zelda - invincible
Become invincible as the wolf by wearing the wolf bane armour and pressing Z, 1+2 together, then on the nunchuck D U L L R U D D R
Its amazing.
how to do the faron woods temple
plz someone tell me plz
how to get cat in to store
plzzzzzzzzzz tell me plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
forest temple
help plez i cant get the key to open the 3rd monkey its in the man eatting plant plez help its driving me mad
to get cat in store u need to get 2 fish
where do u get claw shot please answer me
throw bomb plant in the man eating plant to get key
where the fuck do you get the clawshot!
cameron is the besth
dale golder is gay
dale golder is gay
dale golder is gay
dale golder is gay
dale golder is gay
dale golder is gay
cams the best
cams the best
cams the best
cams the best
cams the best
cams the best
cams the best
cams the best
cams the best
cams the best
cams the best
cams the best
cams the best
cams the best
icee temple
when u get to ice templeand u give pumpkin to guy what do i do afyter that cause its rly pissing me off
if u r reading this and u no how, tell me what to do after u read coment above this
stuck at snowpeak
plz tell me what to do after you have given the pumpkin to the yeti.
how to get cat in store.
u must 1st stand on the rock across from the house w/ bees nest on it then jump on rock in front of it then on house then on the rock again then on the last rock use the plant to summon hawk aim at the monkey and you will recieve a basket. take the basket to the lady at the creek. she will give you a fishing rod. then fish where the cat is hanging out then a fish will come out the cat will grab it and run into the store
were u get clawshot
i tell u wat to do after giving pumking to yeti
if you tell me were to get claw shot
Zelda twilight princess
Tell me how to skip the forest temple im really scared of the spiders i can not even play my wii i am so scared. Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
ice temple
no not the beginning i mean the ice temple with yetis.after i give pumkin to the yeti husband and he makes good soup what do i do?
4 the clawshot bribe
im to lazy to tell u how to get clawshot, but i might not be if u tell me what to do first :p
Getting the fish in the store
i have the fishing rod... i fished a fish, now what do i do?
fish one more out cat will take it follow cat plz
now plz tell me how to get claw shot
how to get the fish in the store
1st get your fishin pole/2nd catch 2 fish the cat will take the 2nd fish./3rd go into the store
how to get the cat in the store
sry i forget to mention first stand near the cat and i meant ho to get the cat in the store not fish
ya muma
is fat
who eva sed ya mama fat well i fucked yours last nite you brick wanker cunt
errrrrrrrrrrrrr i ment prick
dan dan the papper man:
the best of the rest a bit weird but ok but still weird errrrrrrr i mean fucked up in the old nogin
daniel gay
ice temple
plzzzzz help me with ice temple i need to now what to do after the yeti makes good soup
if you want to know how to get yeti good soup then
tell me how to get claw shot
the person who thinks spiders are scary read this
there is no way to skip the forest temple just pretend there easy to beat creatures and kill them note: dont use the same attack every time for the big ones
the person who thinks spiders are scary read this
there is no way to skip the forest temple just pretend there easy to beat creatures and kill them note: dont use the same attack every time for the big ones
how do you pick up the bomb plants in the forest temple?
to doug
use the boomerang if u have it if not attack them 1st then pick them up kk
uh doug
to doug is right but he means u have to pick them up and throw them
how to get cat in store
go to where the cat is and fish when you catch the second 1 let it go with button A and the cat will take it and run home
Im stuc in faron wood templ how do i get to the 3rd monkey?
plzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me!
How do i do Faron woods temple, i have all the monkeys, sumone plzzzzzzzzzzz help!
how do i get fishing rod
to ben
i forgot how to do faron temple but u get the fishing pole by getting the cradle from the monkey and giv it to her.
i have got all the monkeys how u get the key to get in the big door in faron wood temple
GET 2 FISH then the cat will like and foollow u into shop
complete game with magic move
u complete the game and u might get summin but am not sure u stuppid fuking toss pots dont suck ur self
how do i get the key in the 3rd dungean
you get the clawshot at the under water temple after killing a "boss"toad
you get the clawshot at the under water temple after killing a "boss"toad
Final battle with Gannon
After you compelete the first three phases of Ganon, take out your weakest weapon, the fishing rod. When Ganon is close to you take out your fishing rod and cast it. Ganon will stare at the worm on the end . Pull back the rod. you should be able to take a few slashes at him with your sword. No other weapon works on him .Just your sword,shield,and fishing rod!
help with the monky cradel
how do u get the cradel of the monky ?
how do i unfreez the zoras
where do i get the key to the boss is room ive looked where you the clawshot and it is not there
will some 1 please tell me how to resel that ugly cunt at death mountain plz!!!!!!!!!!
will some 1 please tell me how to resel that ugly cunt at death mountain plz!!!!!!!!!!
please !!!!!
please if you know then please tell me !!! im stuk on that bit! then if i know some thing that you dont ill tell!!!
im geting realy pissed of!!!
plz tell me!!! about the above " how!!" couse its realy anoying!
read this
if you read this you are gay!! aahahahahhahaha you red it ahahahhahah youre gay!!!!!!
city in the sky life cheat
if ur running low on health go to the room in the sky city where theres 3 doors a fan on top of roof.then go straight to the place where the oocoo is turn rite and hookshot where the jar is the fency thing and hit both jars 1 jar should have a fairy this is reusible.
city in the sky life cheat
if ur running low on health go to the room in the sky city where theres 3 doors a fan on top of roof.then go straight to the place where the oocoo is turn rite and hookshot where the jar is the fency thing and hit both jars 1 jar should have a fairy this is reusible.
how do u fish?
i kmno u use the rod bu which buttons do u press to get teh fish outa the water?
whata frig
its so hard on lakebed temple i mean wata frig!!
i am god what do you need to know.
zora temple
how do you get in the zora temple?
How do you get the last monkey in the first dongon
BUY THE DANG STRATEGY GUIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Temple of time
How do u get that guy to go to trills
Temple of time
How do u get that guy to go to trills
the fourth monkey
How do i get the fourth monkey
temple of time i know how to do it!
but how do u get passed the stairs in the lakebed temple because i deleted my acc by accident and forgot it
cam is gay and tobys the best
what do you meen?
Sacred Grove guards
i cant move those sacred grove guards into the right position!! please help me